Welcome to the THREE club

I know I know I know…I still haven’t yet posted anything about my Europe trip and believe me,
I am getting there! 😐

But before that, I guess having my birthday is a good excuse to write something right?

If anyone ever got a chance to read my blog earlier last year, and if you are good at math…
It’s not very hard to tell that I JUST TURNED 30!!!

There I said it lol


I guess the idea of jumping from a TWO to a THREE was quite intimidating to me at first.
But when the day actually came, to be honest, everything was still the same. Nothing dramatic happened.

I guess even one day after my birthday, I think the only thing I would whine a little is the fact that I can no longer say “hey I am still in my twenties” :-/ But serious, I think even when I turn 40, there will still be a 5 year old living inside of me 🙂

Okay, enough about reminiscing my twenties. What I really want to say is,
I am truly thankful for everything God has put in my life last year and I cannot wait to see more amazing things taking place in my first year of the Three Club!

29 was quite a dramatic year…and I definitely didn’t except most of the ups and downs taken place throughout the year. Learned to start a new life from many different perspectives, learned to like someone again and learned to be rejected before I even said anything, learned to interact with the different kinds of people after joining the new firm…and of course many many many more.

Regardless how dramatic the year has been, what remains unchanged, is the family and friends around me. Thank you for your love and support and thank you for just simply being in my life.

I think my twenties have been really awesome and I just wish that my thirties are going to be something even more amazing that just simply exceed my expectations and imagination.



And how exactly did I celebrate my first “3” birthday? Well I will have to write another entry to share the highlights  because you know…once you hit 30 you just want to go to bed early 😉

Welcome to the club Ami.

Yup, that’s me 🙂

Thanks for reading! Feel free to drop a comment or message for me here :)