2020 我的晴天

能夠一按 讓2020重新開始。

2020,有太多令人心碎痛苦的事情發生。從Kobe Bryant的直升機事故逝世到武漢肺炎蔓延全球,一切來得太快太突然 我甚至無法真實地感受自己已經在家自我隔離了將近兩個月這件事 o_O

但竟然已經在家這麼久了 為什麼卻遲遲生不出來幾篇文章呢?


我・當・媽・了!!! 😳

在充滿眾多不安定要素的情況下以及持續與人群隔離的生活中 我做了一個重大的決定
→→→迎接新的毛小孩進入我的生活中 ❤

於是在四月中的時候 我從遙遠的神奈川県的横須賀帶回來了我的毛寶貝 — 10個禮拜大的Haru。

過去幾年我不停想著念著說要再養一隻毛小孩 卻ㄧ直光說不練
主要因為其實自己也很清楚 實際上有很多需要的考量
比如說工作的時間 >>我真的也不想當工作狂(T_T)啊啊啊
需要花費的多餘時間精力金錢 等等等

有些朋友們問 既然都已經龜毛掙扎了這麼多年
怎麼會反而在這個一切都不確定的時間點 決定去領一隻狗兒回來呢 ❓

因為2020帶給我的領悟 💡

你可以盡可能地為自己的人生規劃好ㄧ切 等你覺得你準備好了再開始行動

我開始覺得 如果我有能力 那就開始去做吧
至少如果明天發現誒我的藍圖被迫終止了 至少我的遺憾可能會少些 ^^’

當然 這只是我的人生哲學 同不同意那真的是見仁見智

所以說當我決定迎接Haru小朋友來到我生活中的同時 也代表著我決定為了毛小孩生活的付出,

  • 前兩個禮拜(至少 >:D)真的不用想晚上好好睡一覺
  • 把屎把尿
  • 時時刻刻心驚膽顫地盯著毛小孩以免傢俱地毯地板遭殃 或著是毛小孩誤食禁物
  • 玩耍!玩到牠夠累(否則晚上真的不用睡了 :twisted:)
  • 訓練 ➡ 把握每分每秒可以教導小毛球的機會 這樣自己才能早日自由啊
  • 耐心 恆心 練毅力 ➡ 這…我只能說養小狗的初期真的跟養小baby差不多 所以讓自己身心靈不要崩潰也是很重要的 😛
  • 撒錢燒錢 開始為了毛小孩而開始努力工作賺錢吧 :mrgreen:

最後來說說為什麼名字是Haru吧 🐻
而這個小生命在充滿挑戰及低谷的2020年中 成為了我生活中的晴天
(同時Haru也是我非常喜歡的拉麵店的名字 8-)…好的我知道這個比較不重要)

希望接下來 也可以不定時地來分享分享Haru小朋友的成長日記 ❤

Long Way Back

Did I ever expect to be gone for this long? Definitely not.

5 years – ok technically it’s 1,565 days or 4 years 3 months and 12 days if the online days calculator does its job correctly 😛

So what happened? Well, the number 5 key on my laptop broke (and especially for those who can type Chinese in Zhuyin – I bet you can imagine how PAINFUL that is 😥

On a more serious note, a lot did happen in the last couple years. After all, I love writing. My number one dream as a kid growing up has always been to become a writer/blogger (along with other bubbly dreams like becoming a barista at Starbucks, owning a cafe/bakery and drawing comics down the line :D) . The point is, for someone who loves writing to not write for such a long time…it was like a part of you being gone.

To me, writing is story-telling. Writing is how I feel the most comfortable in expressing myself (without caring if there is any reader 🐻 ). But it was only until one day I found myself sitting in front of my laptop without any word flowing between my fingers had I realized that to be able to write, to be a natural story-teller, I need the passion and love for life and people. So yes, I found myself losing my essential fuel to write.

I found myself sick and was on hormonal medication for a year and in the process I also started to battle against insomnia. For someone who could easily sleep for 10+ hours a day, I started to operate with less than 20 hours sleep in total each week. Not to mention the additional stress and burden coming from external incidents that involved people and work, I found my world becoming colorless all in a sudden. I lost my faith and my interest in people, things and to my own surprise, many aspects of life. Professionally or medically speaking though, I was perfectly “normal” as doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me other than the physical symptoms I was getting the medical treatment for.

The only reason why I wanted to share briefly about this experience was because even though I don’t know if anyone is ever going to read this, I just wanted to make the point across that if you feel you are somehow facing invisible desperation — you are not alone. You don’t need to be diagnosed with depression for your universe to fall apart. I am not going to go further about the dark valleys I went through. The fact that I am back finding my fingers flying across my [new* bluetooth*]  keyboard after all these years tells you the outcome of my battle. If there is anything I could humbly share that would be never give up even when you find the situation you are in being hopeless. Keep trying to make changes until it gets you out of that numbness or desperation.

Now after coming back from a long way, I eager to start fresh again 🙂
Kicking off with a new site layout and design (still working in progress and it’s driving me nuts but I’m getting there 😳 ), I do look forward to fill more bubbles with my adventures and random (but awesome!) stories 😎

It’s good to be back.BC673CAD-D0C9-4BEE-A8B2-58359F740C60


Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s 11:38 pm…way past my bedtime but I don’t want to miss the best day to express my thankfulness so will try to keep it short and sweet 😀

I really believe that one of the keys to stay happy and excited constantly in life is only when you keep a thankful heart. And I totally see it applies to my own life.

Like seriously, every single day, there are just so many things I can be thankful for. The fact that I get to laugh and cry with my whole heart all the time, the fact that I get to complain about I don’t know what to eat for lunch again, the fact that I can always talk to someone when I feel down…

Not everyday is a beautiful day even in my world. But even with all the problems together, they are never bigger than the things I can be thankful for 🙂

So, thank you and you and you for being there in my life. Thank you God for making my life with purposes and filling it with excitement and joy.

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What are you thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving! 🙂

Childhood dream come true

Ok as a (amateur) blogger, I totally failed this one 😐

I meant…not updating my blog for 4 months is one thing, but about this entry…even I myself can’t believe I postponed it for nearly a year!

So here it is, my trip to Northern Europe in winter 2014…ok at least Part 1 😛

Like many people, I had a lot of little fantasies when I was a little girl. Except unlike most of the people, I brought many of them with me as I grew up–and I guess that’s why sometimes people (especially my coworkers I’d assume lol) see me as a weirdo bouncing back and forth between a 30 year old professional in the financial industry and a 5 year old girl that still loves Rainbow Brite and Care Bears.

And among my little fantasies, one of the bigger ones is to meet the Santa Claus.

And that was what I decided to do last year, go find Santa in the North Pole.

If you know me well, you’d probably know that I am a very easy-going travel buddy to take trips with (except I cannot stand snores). You’d also know that I am not the best trip planner in the world. I would buy my ticket, book my hotel, pack my suitcase and think about the rest until I get to my destination. I was very fortunate to have the most well-prepared and also very easy-going girl Sylvia to be my traveling buddy to Northern Europe this time.
ready_to_go→Yup that’s the girl, who constantly checked for our next move 🙂

For those of you who are interested about Santa, the Santa Claus Village is located in Rovaniemi, Finland.
Rovaniemi is a city that falls in Finland’s northernmost province Lapland.

Since there’s no direct flight from Tokyo to Rovaniemi, we decided to fly to Helsinki and take the overnight Santa Express to Rovaniemi.

Despite the whole trip from Tokyo to Rovaniemi was fairly smooth and comfortable, it was some kind of trip you probably wouldn’t want to do every year as you get older. It takes about 10 hours to fly from Tokyo to Helsinki, and another 10 to 12 hours train ride from Helsinki to Rovaniemi. For us, it took pretty much 24 hours from Narita to our hotel in Rovaniemi. And if you ask me to sum up the commuting part of our trip, I can only tell you…it involved a lot of sleeping 😛

sleep1I slept.

sleep 2 She slept.

IMG_2135 We slept.

But let me just say, if you have never been to Northern Europe and if you have those little girls’ bubbly fantasies, a trip like this is definitely worth it once in a life time.

I meant, I already fall in love with this beautiful little city even before we reached the Santa Claus Village!hotel

We stayed at Hotel Pohjanhovi, and I guess the best thing I liked about the hotel was…sausages!!!
IMG_1983 To be fair, they are not the best sausages in the world but I definitely did not expect the sausages in Rovaniemi to be my kind of sausages… 😀

But of course, nothing beats my excitement when I arrived the Santa Claus Village.
It was literally like…a fantasy land!


…except with a lot of people :/

Unsurprisingly, you will have to wait…like for quite a while, if you wish to see the Santa during Christmas season. But of course we waited…after all that was the whole point for us to travel all the way to the North Pole 😛 But after nearly a hour of waiting, Mr. Santa destroyed my little fantasy bubble a few seconds later after we started our conversation.

“Where are you girls from?” the soft and kind voice as I have imagined.
“Japan, Taiwan and Malaysia.”
“Oh…to friends from Japan I say konnichiwa…”

I barely remembered anything he said after that. Santa was not supposed to speak anything other than English!!! (Obviously the little 5 year old Ami was deeply brainwashed by all the Hollywood Christmas movies :/ )

So if you ask me now if I still believe that Santa exists, I’ll tell you that maybe…but definitely not the one in Rovaniemi lol

Nonetheless, it was a great childhood dream come true moment there 🙂

In addition to visiting the Santa, there are quite a few things you can do in the Santa Village, like…

IMG_1873Writing an endless amount of postcards to families and friends (I even wrote one to myself) until you can’t feel your wrist anymore.
*And your postcard gets stamped with a pretty cool postmark ONLY if you mail it out from the Santa Claus Post Office :O → postmark

IMG_1860 Getting one of the coolest stamps to show that you have come to the Arctic Circle on your passport.

igloo Checking out igloo bar and igloo hotel.

Or, my favorite…
reindeer sleigh ride Go on a reindeer sleigh ride♡ Seriously, it is a very mild and relaxing ride into the white forest…totally recommend and make sure you plan early and make a reservation if you wish to go for the 3000m ride to go further down into the snowy and magical forest 🙂

Outside of the Santa Claus Village, we also visited the well-known most northern McDonald’s in the world.
IMG_1925 IMG_1927(Yup I know…it’s just a McDonald’s. A pretty small one too. But make sure you ask the counter for some postcards…I guess it’s pretty special because not everyone can make it this far just to eat some french fries or chicken sandwich :P)

The Arctic Museum
15989045449_0da90713ee_z 16173229421_be238440d2_z

We stayed in Rovaniemi for 3 days, which was just perfect to enjoy a bit of everything in this beautiful little city.



By the way this was only about the first 4 days of our trip. After Rovaniemi we then hopped onto our train and headed back to Helsinki where we spent a cozy Christmas before we took off to Norway. Obviously if you have read this far, you can probably tell that I am FAR from a good travel blogger. But I hope you got some glimpse of what a fun (and cold for sure) little adventure you can have in Rovaniemi if you are also kind of a fan of Santa (like me) but too shy to admit it 🙂

Will try to continue sharing about the rest of our adventure…hopefully very soon! :X


會不會 有一天 時間真的能倒退
退回 你的我的 回不去的 悠悠的歲月

也許會 有一天 世界真的有終點
也要和你舉起回憶釀的甜 和你再乾一杯

~五月天 乾杯


真的覺得 這是相識了十七年的我們的主題曲。

到一個回台灣 一個到日本 一個留在美國

我們相約的畢業旅行 終於在畢業之後12年實現了。

而且在the paradise island–夏威夷!٩( ‘ω’ )و


(。。。這我實在不想承認 畢竟我覺得我的內心永遠五歲啊⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ ˂̶͈́)۶⁾⁾ )
分隔三地 許久不見的我們 以為見到面 會感受到彼此的改變
但即使有再多的變化 見到面的那瞬間 我知道
當年的那三個小胖妹 又從我們裡面跑出來了(ฅΦωΦ)ฅ。

有很多已經封箱的回憶 又隨著我們話夾子被掏了出來

聽著彼此敘述著過去那些年的瘋狂 才又再次發現到
原來 我們也是曾經愛得瘋狂 玩得瘋狂的「蕭笑」(*´﹃`*)

有些人 我們已經忘記
有些人 我們試著忘記

有些人 我們學會珍惜
有些人 我們還是試著忘記 ٩(`ω´٩ꐦ)

短短的六天五夜裡 我們哭了笑了累了high了
所謂的好朋友 就是不管到了幾歲 都可以一起瘋狂
IMG_4061 IMG_4063

所謂的好朋友 就是妳可以放下平常的那副防護罩
把最傷心 最煩惱的那堆「垃圾」丟出來讓她們一起處理 ԅ( ˘ω˘ԅ)

所謂的好朋友 就是妳明明就是每天晚上十點睡覺的人
卻可以讓妳到半夜2點 還在Waikiki海灘上high

所謂的好朋友 就是即使再怎麼不想晒黑
IMG_3896  IMG_3987

所謂的好朋友 就是從小到大一路接收妳感情路上的垃圾煩惱

謝謝妳們 從甲乙丙丁到shisho 一路聽我哭夭大魔王的詛咒聽了十幾年٩(๑꒦ິȏ꒦ິ๑)۶

那三個小胖妹 又到了分別的時間
很多回憶 又得被放回箱子裡
第一次 捨不得地哭了

原來 長越大 才發現 妳們比我想像中的更寶貴

終究會 有一天 我們都變成昨天
是你 陪我走過一生一回 匆匆的人間

有一天 就是今天 今天就是有一天
說出一直沒說 對你的感謝 和你再乾一杯

謝謝妳們 我的鐵三角
敬17年友誼萬歲(with my Smirnoff Ice ◝( •௰• )◜ )
然後 我們都要很幸福快樂
See you guys soon♡



其實這個標題 應該是我這篇的結論。|ω・)

5/29/2015 星期五 為了這位美麗的新娘 請了一天假
與其他眾朋友們一同來共襄盛舉 見證一個溫馨美好的國際婚禮。

50人的小規模 只有最親最好的家人朋友 使當天充滿了共多溫暖跟幸福(੭ु ›ω‹ )੭ु⁾⁾♡




相信真的認識這對新人的朋友已經在Facebook上見到夠多閃亮亮的照片( ✧Д✧)


已過去幾年參加眾多婚禮的經驗 我只能說
「親愛的 爸爸 媽媽。。。」真的是無堅不摧(*∩ω∩)
只要這個開場白一下 底下觀眾(包括姚喵喵自己)就眼睛鼻子水龍頭大開

但這次 我覺得有點不一樣。
這天的感動 跟以往不一樣。

不知道為什麼 我看見了喵喵爹跟喵喵娘對我的愛

從以前到現在 不少人都羨慕我 出身一個好大學 又畢業於一個好研究所
卻鮮少人知道 從小對唸書沒什麼興趣 又沒什麼才能的我 會走上這條小書呆之路
只為了單單想反駁 當初爸媽的那幾句
「去考個公務員 有個穩定的工作就好啦」
「也不是個讀書的料 看看家旁邊的大學進不進得去 進得去就念那最好啦」

想證明 我其實也不笨。
想證明 我其實也可以有一點點優秀。
想證明 我其實也可以讓他們有一些期待。

但在新娘的致辭 與新娘爸爸媽媽看著他們出嫁的女兒那淚中帶笑的眼神中
其實 早在我努力想證明什麼之前 其實父母們早就明白了。


對兒子 爹娘可以狠下心 立下目標 推他一把 幫助鼓勵他早日獨當一面
對女兒 他們捨不得  不忍心她們吃苦 只要她們開心就好

「將來高中畢得了業就謝天謝地啦」→即使妳念書不得意也沒有關係 順利畢業父母就為妳開心了
「去考個公務員 有個穩定的工作就好啦」→妳不需要去職場上與人拼死拼活 討個高職位高收入
只要有個穩定的工作 父母就為妳開心也安心了
「也不是個讀書的料 看看家旁邊的大學進不進得去 進得去就念那最好啦」→在家旁邊念書 住家裡讓父母照顧妳才不會讓人日日惦記擔心妳

父母心 比大海還要深
父母心 比太陽還溫暖
父母心 我用一輩子都感謝不完

結論 明明不是我結婚 卻充滿了對喵喵爹喵喵娘滿滿的感謝(◍•ᴗ•◍)


2012→甚至三年前也在同一個婚禮場地收到捧花( ˘•ω•˘ )

但這篇的重點真的不是 搶捧花的女孩
(沒錯 兩次都是花兒自己落到我的手中的ヽ( ε∀ε )ノ)


也謝謝最可愛的新郎新娘 讓我在你們幸福的婚禮上 有了這麼棒的體會♡

My 6 birthday cakes

Yeah…pretty much just like what my title says.

As my first (second?) post-birthday post,
I just want to once again express my gratitude to every single person that made my birthday this year so special…with “birthday cakes.” 😛

As far as I can remember, my best record was probably 4 cakes that I received on my 19th birthday.
(Pretty scary to think about that was already 11 years ago!!!!!!!!!!! *scream*)

And guess what, this year I got SIX! 😀

Okay, to be fair, some of them are not exactly cakes, but still, I am gonna count them as cakes for the purpose is the same 🙂



(↑For those of you who were wondering…I know, they are California Rolls. But they were actually what I got for my birthday dinner so of course I am going to count them as my birthday cakes lol)


(↑For those of you who know me well–YES I finally went to the P-chan cafe…okay fine the PomPomPurin Cafe! I have so much to share about that little paradise so please stay tuned!)

(↑And I even got a birthday cake on Valentine’s! ;))

I mean, how blessed am I to be able to get a cake and spend quality time with different important ones for 6 days straight?!

Not to mention this came on the seventh day ↓

Wine with strawberry mochi cake on the top. Woohooo 😀 😀 😀







Now time for diet.

Welcome to the THREE club

I know I know I know…I still haven’t yet posted anything about my Europe trip and believe me,
I am getting there! 😐

But before that, I guess having my birthday is a good excuse to write something right?

If anyone ever got a chance to read my blog earlier last year, and if you are good at math…
It’s not very hard to tell that I JUST TURNED 30!!!

There I said it lol


I guess the idea of jumping from a TWO to a THREE was quite intimidating to me at first.
But when the day actually came, to be honest, everything was still the same. Nothing dramatic happened.

I guess even one day after my birthday, I think the only thing I would whine a little is the fact that I can no longer say “hey I am still in my twenties” :-/ But serious, I think even when I turn 40, there will still be a 5 year old living inside of me 🙂

Okay, enough about reminiscing my twenties. What I really want to say is,
I am truly thankful for everything God has put in my life last year and I cannot wait to see more amazing things taking place in my first year of the Three Club!

29 was quite a dramatic year…and I definitely didn’t except most of the ups and downs taken place throughout the year. Learned to start a new life from many different perspectives, learned to like someone again and learned to be rejected before I even said anything, learned to interact with the different kinds of people after joining the new firm…and of course many many many more.

Regardless how dramatic the year has been, what remains unchanged, is the family and friends around me. Thank you for your love and support and thank you for just simply being in my life.

I think my twenties have been really awesome and I just wish that my thirties are going to be something even more amazing that just simply exceed my expectations and imagination.



And how exactly did I celebrate my first “3” birthday? Well I will have to write another entry to share the highlights  because you know…once you hit 30 you just want to go to bed early 😉

Welcome to the club Ami.

Yup, that’s me 🙂